Residence Hall Alcohol Policy
Alcohol Policy: All students are expected to know and comply with all state laws, University policies, and other guidelines regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Any person under 21 years of age is underage in the State of Indiana and may not lawfully possess or consume alcoholic beverages. Students may be referred to the University Conduct Process for underage consumption, possession or transportation of alcoholic beverages, possession of false identification which misrepresents their age or identity, or for providing alcoholic beverages to any person who is underage.
Permittable Use – 21 years of age or older:
- In order for a guest who is the legal drinking age of 21 to consume alcohol, the resident host must be 21 years old and present.
- Use only in personal resident hall room.
- Security or residence life staff may request proof of identification and age for anyone in possession or for all present where alcohol is being consumed. Everyone present must comply with the request of the staff member or be found in violation of the policy and subject to disciplinary sanctions or removal from campus. Proof of identification and age includes providing a valid driver’s license or a valid passport along with a current Indiana Tech ID card if a student.
- Disruptive or destructive behavior, or over-consumption is prohibited, including public intoxication.
- Safely store product to prevent potential access to underage persons.
The following behaviors are restricted:
- Use of common source containers such as kegs, party balls, water jugs, etc.
- Usage outside of personal residence hall room.
- Quantities are limited to no more than 30 cans/bottles of beer and no more than 1500ml / 51 ounces of liquor/wine and does not exceed 90 proof / 45% abv.
- Drinking games and paraphernalia or any activities that promote excessive alcohol consumption.
- Exceeding visitation policies and guest limitations.
- Advertising of parties/gatherings where alcohol will be consumed.
- Providing alcohol to anyone under the age of 21.
Sanctions for violations:
First offense (2 of 3 options) and disposal of product:
- Fine of $100.
- 10 hours of community service.
- Online educational course.
- More severe violations may result in additional sanctions as outlined in the student conduct policies.
Second offense:
- Disciplinary probation in combination with first offense sanctions.
- Loss of possession or consumption priveleges on campus.